Friday, March 7, 2008

Daily Lenten Meditation

Each day in Lent, I post a meditation from one of our parishioners. Their names are not listed to protect their privacy

Lessons for the Day:  Exodus 2:1-22; 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:3; Mark 9:2-13


Love defies explanation but we know it when we feel it.  It helps us get through our our darkest times and marks our happiest. Love gives us strength and expands our weaknesses.  Love clouds our vision by helping us to see clearly.

Jesus personifies Love for us.  When he transforms before Peter, James and John, he becomes dazzling white.  Completely pure and radiant.  Pure Love.


Many times, Jesus defies explanation.  But just like Love, even though we can't completely understand Jesus, we know him when we feel him.